Frequently asked questions
Gift cards

Can I use my gift card in combination with other promotions?

No, the use of your gift card cannot be combined with other promotions that require a promotional code.

How long is my gift card valid?

Your gift card is valid for 1 year from its date of purchase. The expiry date is written in the confirmation email containing the code of your gift card.

Is it possible to use my gift card in a Clio Goldbrenner Flagship store or in a reseller shop?

No, the gift card can only be used on our e-shop and cannot be used in one of our Flagship stores or when making a purchase from one of our resellers.

Is it possible to use the amount of my gift card in several orders?

Yes, it is possible to use the amount of your gift card in several orders. However, it is not possible to check the balance of your gift card. The amount used from your gift card for an order will appear in the order confirmation email.

Is it possible to get the gift card refunded if the gift does not suit?

Yes, you have the right to withdraw and request a refund of your gift card within 14 days from the date of purchase.